Type, Status and Priority Definitions

Type, Status and Priority Definitions

We use various measures to properly categorize support request tickets. Please refer to the information tables below for definitions of Type, Status, and Priority of support tickets.



Type Description
Issue Any problem that needs investigation. It could be a bug or a requirement change.
Task Planned work as part of a ticket or development of a project.
Bug Any problem in existing module or funtionality, or missing functionality.
Question General questions. Explaining something or provide DIY advice.



Status Description
Open Initial state - ticket is received but not yet assigned.
Assigned Ticket is assigned to a staff member but the work has not yet begun.
In Progress Ticket is currently being worked on.
On Hold Work on the ticket is on hold awaiting additional information, 3rd party response, etc.
Resolved Ticket has been resolved and awaits testing/confirmation and/or payment from client.
Closed Ticket has been verified by client to be fixed/resolved and work is completed.



Priority Description
Low When you have time.
Normal Soon please, if possible.
High This is holding me up!
Urgent I need this right away!
Emergency Drop everything else!